Anne Vagt        Art        Illu       Info
+49 178 1353261

Anne Vagt is a visual artist living in Hamburg. She studied Fine Art and Illustration at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Her studies were followed by periods of work in New York City and Chicago.
Anne's work, which primarily comprises drawings and artist books, has been supported by the Fulbright Commission, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, among others. In 2023 she received the working grant for fine arts from the City of Hamburg.
As an illustrator with a penchant for humor, abstraction and type, Anne works for a variety of editorial clients, cultural institutions and companies.

Artist Statement
In my artistic work I deal with language and text-image relationships, working at the interface between writing and drawing. I dissect, translate and link the elements of both communication systems in order to break up their traditional meaning. Through this act, I question traditions, structures and thought patterns that underlie our communication and which, vice versa, are fixed in it. The starting point for this is the examination of social phenomena, media messages and personal questions.
An essential part of my work is the conception and design of books. The book, in different variants, is the logical result of my serial approach to the above-mentioned themes and the resulting volumes that oscillate between writing and image. For several years I have been publishing my work in the form of booklets, zines or artist's books.


2008-09 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Fine Art Graduate Studies
2003-08 Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Study of Illustration

Grants & awards
2024 Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Project funding
2023 Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, Working grant for fine arts
2023 Mara & Holger Cassens Stiftung, Publication funding
2023 Künstlerhaus Lauenburg, Fine arts scholarship with child (preselection)
2021 3x3 Magazine, Illustration Merit Award 
2021 Stiftung Kulturwerk, Neustart Kultur project funding
2020 Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Project funding
2013 Extrapool Print Center, Artist in Residence
2013 Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, Project funding
2012 Stiftung Buchkunst, Young Book Design Award (shortlist)
2010 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Graduate Scholarship 
2009 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, MFA Merit Award
2008 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, MFA Trustees Scholarship
2008 Fulbright Commission, Study Scholarship 

Selected Exhibitions
2024 (November) Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg Scholarships 2022-24
2024 (October) Westwerk, Hamburg, Achterhaus Studio
2024 (February) Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg, Everyone but Caspar
2023 Kunsthaus Hamburg, Nominees
2022 Feinkunst Krüger Gallery, Hamburg, Inside Draftswomen, 
2021 1004100, RFI, Hamburg
2020 FB69 Gallery, Münster, See her play
2019 Altonaer Museum, Hamburg, Flying the flag, 
2019 Frappant Galerie, Hamburg, Like A House On Fire
2018 Feinkunst Krüger Gallery, Hamburg, Monsters of Drawing
2017 Schau Fenster, Berlin, Jokes on Paintings
2017 Center for Artists' Publications, Bremen, Artists' Books for Everything
2016 Affenfaust Gallery, Hamburg, Mensch, Tier, Wir
2016 Form&Content Gallery, Minneapolis, Illustrators' Studio
2015 Westwerk, Hamburg, Decoration shapes the people
2015 P/Art Producers Art Fair, Hamburg
2015 2025 e.V., Hamburg, Passivity Center
2015 Palazzo Fruscione, Salerno, Activity Center
2014 Kunsthaus Hamburg, Applicants for the working grant for fine arts
2014 Bologna Festival Internazionale di Fumetto, Canicola Germania
2014 Beton Art Space, Kopenhagen, Archaea
2014 Westwerk, Hamburg, Gewuchs Part III
2013 FB69 Gallery, Münster, Servicewüste Augenweide/Kernschmelze frei Haus
2013 Extrapool, Nijmegen, Beginners
2013 Galerie Confluences, Paris, Spring Hambourg Berlin Paris!
2012 Nowa Huta, Hamburg, Skulptur 1-4
2012 Club Michel, Frankfurt10/3
2012 A+D Gallery, ChicagoAnd then She’s Like And He Goes
2012 Westwerk, HamburgGewuchs Part I+II
2012 Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz, Best of Spring
2011 Creative Center of Shanghai Artists Association, Shanghai, Paper Cut
2011 Galerie Halb Acht, Hamburg, Etüden II
2011 Hinterconti, Hamburg, Etüden
2010 Fountain Art Fair, Miami, We-Are-Familia
2010 Artzone Gallery, Kyoto, Kyoto Comic Festival
2010 Frappant Galerie, Hamburg, Scherenschnitte

Selected artist books and zines
Blau Grün Gelb Rot: Eine Familienaufstellung, Textem, Hamburg 2024 (in progress)
Grafik, self-published, Hamburg 2023
Small people, self-published, Hamburg 2023
Aquarelle, self-published, Hamburg 2021
Like A House On Fire, self-published, Hamburg 2019
jetzt neu: Arte Povera, self-published, Hamburg 2015
Beginners, Knust, Nijmegen 2013
Liebe Scham Schuld, self-published, Hamburg 2012
Pierrot verreist, Shake Your Tree Edition, Berlin 2012
Skulptur, self-published, Hamburg 2011
Showpaper, self-published, Hamburg 2011
Horst, self-published, Hamburg 2011
NY in Numbers, self-published, Hamburg 2010
Workland, self-published, Hamburg 2010

Selected illustration clients
Die Zeit
The New York Times
Der Spiegel
Designers Digest,
greenpeace magazin
brand eins
Psychologie Heute
Missy Magazine
kinki magazine
Nansen & Piccard
sonar magazin
Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Humanitas Magazine
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Fortbildungsakademie der Wirtschaft
Sellhorn Hafkemeyer GmbH
Altonaer Museum
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Berliner Philharmoniker
Fortbildungsakademie der Wirtschaft
Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft

2018-21 Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, drawing teaching assignment
2013-15 Bildkunst Akademie Hamburg, illustration teaching assignment
2008-09 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Online Learning Teaching Assistant

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